Thursday, August 9, 2018

Psychological facts about Dreams and their meaning

Psychological facts about Dreams and their meaning-  

Want to know more about Dreams?


This is the right place for my friend to know some amazing facts about dreams. Even I used to be curious about dreams in my childhood, which doesn’t mean I am bit less curious now, but it’s a very fascinating thing for me to get a deeper knowledge about something which comes to me only when I am asleep and the most amazing part is that it vanishes as soon as I wake up.

Is this happens to you as well?? If yes you will surely agree with the below experience and facts I share with you.
Here I have shared some piece of experiences & facts, to enhance the curiosity to the next level.  Throughout history, dreams have fascinated scientists, psychologists, and normal people. And studies did conclude that dreams mean nothing or are just efforts to justify images we crave up in our sleep.


Dreams are feelings and voices, emotional experiences when we sleep. These can consist of people you know, people you've never met, places you've been, and places you've never heard of. It's a way of integrating all our past experiences with what we desire to do in the future.


For years, experts struggled to know the purpose of dreams. People used to think that dreams were messages from God but recent studies have rejected it and said that they are most uncertain.


  1.      Majority of people can not read when they are dreaming.
  2.       4-6% of the time animals occur less in adults’ dream.
  3.       Children dreams consist more of creative things.
  4.        Some cases can also exist, where people have dreamt about something which has exactly happened with them in the future.
  5.       Dreams don’t change much after the age of 21.
  6.      The brain is most active during sleep than when we are awake.
  7.       Around 67% of people don’t remember their dream.
  8.       In our dreams, we are more often the victim of violence than the attacker.
  9.       Day to day problems which we are going through is a reflection of our dreams.
  10.     . 17% dream is only in black and white.. hahaha... Funny isn’t It.?? Below are some dreams & its interpretation.


  1.  The subconscious mind cannot differentiate between what is real and what is imagined.
  2. The subconscious mind thinks only about the present ongoing things, nothing to do with the future or the past.
  3.   Your conscious mind may break away from memories, but your subconscious doesn’t.
  4.  The subconscious mind believes what is fit into it.. so u can imagine how you can get rid of your phobias.
  5.  It’s at times you have to make a difficult decision, you don’t know what to do, You go with your instinct, that will be the right decision, it’s already made you just have to ask for it!
  6. Your subconscious mind store all the images you see throughout the day.


I have experienced some of these hope you can also connect with me. If you agree with the amazing facts I shared with you, then come let me tell you some dreams as well as its interpretations.

Dreamsuddenly you're falling from a huge height.
The Interpretation: "Dreams of falling can be associated with feeling unsteady and insecure”. Since the dream of falling is very universal, the reason may be diverse in each case. What is most important are the facts for the person dreaming.

what are dreams

The Dream: Your teeth are suddenly falling.
The Interpretation: This common dream can also be associated with times of change and shift. It is not associated with any kind of incompetence, fertility, or incapability of a person dreaming. Also worrying about serious something from a longer period of time, or may be very concerned about physical appearance.

sleep and dream

Dreams : the person himself or a very close friend or family dying
The Interpretation: Death dreams can be a cause of the fear of losing someone very special kind of anxiety to face the change after the person leaves out of the situation.


Dreams: if you are being chased in your dreams
The interpretation: These dreams mean that you are trying to avoid something in your daily life struggles, also if you are trying to escape from your fears or any desires. You being chased by an animal may indicate that you are hiding from your own emotions, passions, and other feelings.

dream reader

So, friends hope you enjoyed the “Psychological facts about dreams their meaning” the dreamy land ride with me. Don’t forget to share your views and opinions with me would love to hear them from you. Also share it with you friend as well..


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